The first session started Friday at 10am. Of course we arrived 15-20min early to ensure good seats. SIDEBAR: Inner Circle is worth the extra so you don’t have to worry about seating. While sitting, you are surrounded by women from all over, we met woman that spanned from the DMV to Great Britain. What is understood amongst us all is we’ve all made sacrifices to come and be enriched. There’s an acknowledgement in the eyes of the women you come in contact with. It’s beautiful!
As the countdown commences the excitement rumbles in your belly. What’s going to be new this year? I wonder if they are going to follow the same routine as last year? I HOPE I get more than I got out of it than last year? Lord, thank you for allowing me the chance to be here this year. All this floating around in my head. When the countdown ends I expect praise & workshop to begin, but out comes Sarah Jakes Roberts.
Huh! This is different. As she explains, she done something very sweet! Each person on our rows has received a unique letter from her. This letter is for you. Read it and cherish it. Take it home with you. After we take a few moments for ourselves to digest the content of the letter, we’re directed to exchange letters with another woman. It is then we see that many different letters that has handed out. Trying to pick out different messages for each lady had to be challenging. Each letter had a different message. I choose to believe that each letter received met each woman where they were.
So which part of my letter stuck with me?
“Life revealed your weakness so that God could replace it with strength”
At one point I felt like ALL life was trying to show me was my areas of weakness. Some areas I was aware of and others not so much. As these areas revealed themselves it felt sort of like an un-covering, as if I was naked & outside alone. But I needed to know. I needed to know the areas in my life that needed work. The next questions would be was I willing to commit to the work and what type of work was needed. I’m working those steps now, but the quote gave me HOPE these areas would become strengths. This is life’s cycle, working to improve oneself, but for me this time felt like all I had was weakness, I needed to read they were just spaces for God to make strengths.
Above are a few other letters I was able to take pictures. I HOPE you can take solace in one.