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See You On the Other Side Mr. Wilson

See You On the Other Side Mr. Wilson

We are learning more and more about the depths of mental illness. In the Christian community we are seeing that more believers are struggling more than we’d like to admit. Our brothers & sisters are succumbing to these illnesses in ways we don’t want to imagine. This week, a young vibrant associate pastor, turned to suicide to end his life. Jarrid Wilson, from what I’ve read, was a beautiful young man, who was open about his struggle with depression & suicidal ideations. He was married with 2 young children. He helped many through their depression with his willingness to tell his story. I imagine he & his wife fought together against his illness. He’d started a non-profit called Anthem of HOPE aimed to help those suffering with mental illness. No matter where he was mentally he was still thinking of others.


I’m not here to judge, state his place in eternity or his lack of faith. That’s low hanging fruit that borders on self-righteous judgment and a sincere lack of empathy. What I’m more interested in is support for mental illness in the faith community. Not just broad blog support but support that reaches out. The type of support that offers group discussion online and in-person. The kind of help churches implement as vital part of their community building efforts. Teachings on medical mental health remedies, both natural and prescribed. I’m here to build the HOPE of those in these low states. Yes, teachings of faith are needed but there is a practical side that must be addressed as well. Just as we believe God for our healing yet, still follow the doctors orders we must do the same for those dealing with mental sickness. Daily it’s losing it’s stigma as the world and particularly the body of Christ, come face to face with the facts that more people are struggling than ever considered.

For those that have not struggled with the daily bombardment of negative thoughts, it’s exhausting and all encompassing. Without realizing it, your fight against those thoughts can quickly turn into agreement. Based merely on the fact that you are tired of fighting. I believe the Bible has it right when it says “we wrestle not against flesh a blood…” we are fighting what can’t be seen, thoughts. One “appeared” failure or loss can turn into an onslaught of vitriol coming from your own mind. It’s like your mind is attacking you; your own body is working against you. Once the volcano of no hope erupts and with out intervention, actions to end a life can result. It’s not one day or a few days, its every day, coming to grips with your humanity and fighting against the judgement your own mind has cast against you. Your vulnerability is perceived, internally, as weakness. It’s a battering ram against the damn holding the water of your hope. But just like any damn, there is only so much force it can take. We start with plugging the holes when leaks spring. Each one we keep plugging but soon, our minds become over logged with negativity, that, sadly, becomes our reality. For many that damn breaks and recovery appears impossible, feeling it’s just better to let your hope wash away until you are no more.

I am not an advocate for suicide. I would that you choose life. But having struggled with depression myself I sincerely empathize . I’m saddened that Jarrid and so many others like him became so overwhelmed they felt there was only one alternative. The fight against mental illness can feel like a never ending boxing match. The more rounds you endure the more tired your mind becomes. For me, it’s a hard core focus to keep my thoughts on Him. I don’t succeed all the time but I take each day as a new day. I work to maintain my victory over depression, for those like Jarrid and I, I pray you work to maintain yours.

My prayers for his wife, children, family, church family, and Anthem of HOPE community. I believe Jarrid’s work leaves a legacy. Even in his weakness he still cared for others, he left HOPE behind with his family and his community, even when it appeared he’d lost his.

Suicide Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255


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