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Weaknesses Stength- DeMar DeRozan

Weaknesses Stength- DeMar DeRozan

It was a simple tweet

This depression get the best of me
— DeMar DeRozan

DeMar DeRozan sent out that tweet and within seconds the world knew. The world was a given a glimpse into his daily struggle. What made this interesting was DeMar wasn’t a politician, famous actor, or businessman so to say. He was, and still is, a NBA Star, a perennial All-Star and a leader of men for the two NBA franchises. But something happened in that tweet, an athletic hero revealed his humanity. How many athletes in the prime of their careers let you in their struggles, specifically their internal, mental struggles. It’s highly unusual and very much unlikely. But in that moment, that moment of perceived weakness, his strength was revealed.

I’ve read the story many times, often times I wonder, why? Why tell the world you are having a moment, why let them in on your secret, on your “weakness”? See for a long time mental health issues, like mood disorders, were framed with words like crazy and weak. It was how I grew up. I was taught '“never flaunt your weakness.” DeMar wasn’t flaunting, he was letting us know where he was in that moment. Some interpreted it as a call for help, others weren’t sure what to think, some even worried danger was imminent, but it was neither of those things. It was a guy recognizing there are times in life where the struggle in the mind is overwhelming. It felt like a moment of weakness but really it was a glimpse into his strength. DeMar had over 500 THOUSAND followers on twitter and in a day where news travels in seconds this was no different. It wasn’t long before his NBA brothers were responding and sports networks were preparing to run segments on the topic. It was on ESPN’s Sports Center and it wasn’t long before he was speaking with the NBA reporters. He stated he was just trying to convey that it could happen to anyone and that he was human. Yes, he could shoot, yes he could jump, and has rapper Drake on speed dial, but all that doesn’t make him any more/less human than the rest of us.

My strength is made perfect in weakness
— 2 Corinthians 12:9b

I have no clue about DeMar’s beliefs and I’m not sure it’s any of my business. But every time I read this story this b clause kept coming to mind. Sometimes the lowest point is the strongest point. I recall when I was initially diagnosed I was at a low place, and the diagnosis only made me feel worse. As I stated, mood disorders were considered weakness when I was child so I grew up with that same mindset. I recall getting help and the counselor saying getting a help is a sign of strength. I smirked 😒 and said “yeah right, how is needing help strength.” But it wasn’t the needing help that was the strength it was the getting help. Recognizing a need and addressing that need is a sign of not only strength but maturity. Often times we say “insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Now, this is a blog that encourages those with mood disorders so I would NOT call someone insane. I will say this, consistent repeat behavior without change will cause more harm than good. Accepting that change needs to occur is revealing an inward strength. If you believe you need help, don’t hesitate. It’s showing just how strong you are. 💪


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