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Thankful for You

Thankful for You

On a day that is hallmarked for giving thanks I want to say “I’m Thankful for You.” You are part of my inspiration, part of my reason why. I was scared, I am scared at times to share my life with you but knowing that my experiences may in some way spread some light in what can be a dark day or dark world I am thankful.

I want you to know, I’m not just thankful today, I’m thankful every day. I always thought Thanksgiving was a bit of a mixed feeling holiday, not just because of the some of the false premises we’ve been taught but because you would think being thankful is apart of our everyday lives. Those whom we know and care about should know how we feel about them. That we are thankful for their presence in our lives. I try to let the Lord know how thankful I am. I woke up this morning with intention to say Thank You.

My life has dramatically changed over the last year+ and I am just so thankful to be here, to be here and NOT be sad, to be able to enjoy my life, even when it feels difficult. I am truly Thankful. You have helped me get through some of my life’s drama, talking to you has been cathartic. So, again, thank you.

If by chance today does not “feel” like a day to be thankful, just in case you are sad or things don’t appear to be going as you would like. Know that “I am Thankful for you” and even if you aren’t thankful, I am. It can hurt when the “world” seems happy or is telling you, you should be happy and you’re not. I don’t like feeling like I “should” anything. Therefore, I’m not going to tell you what you “should” be. I will say sadness doesn’t mean you can’t be thankful. And even if you aren’t thankful, you are here. I can hear someone saying, “what’s so good about that?'‘ My response, you get to see the beauty that is the earth, the clouds in the sky, the reflection of the sun in the snow, the wind blow through the trees, the rain drops create ripples through the puddles, the color of fall’s leaves, and the smile on other’s faces. Or maybe you just make the conscious decision to be thankful because those around you are.

No matter what…I am Thankful for You


re-Model Homes

re-Model Homes

App Review: Moodnotes

App Review: Moodnotes